Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Is that chalkdust I smell?

Ah, yes. As summer draws to a close, the smell of chlorine and grilled steaks (or tofu) gives way to other odors that induce fond childhood memories. Even though I am beginning my third year as a teacher and have grown somewhat accustomed to being the one with the big desk, the smells of school always manage to take me back.
School starts for our students in a mere 13 days, but as teachers, we are already back in action. My fans have reminded me (okay, so maybe it was just one, and she's related to me) that with the start of school it is time for me to resume my more-infrequent-than-I-would-like blog posts. As I have discussed previously (I think), this year marks another period of transition because although my school building is the same, we have converted from Catholic to Charter, or, more simply, private to public. I also had to give up my prime location across from the girls' bathroom, but I am hoping that since my new room previously belonged to one of the greatest teachers ever, I am inheriting a good vibe.
Along with a new room and a new mission, I have almost a completely new set of coworkers. So far, so good, though. Each of them seems passionate about children (a quality that an alarming number of teachers lack) and I think I may have even found a kindred spirit or two in the bunch.
This summer was a trip, literally and figuratively. I am now joyfully Mrs. Kurt Runge, and in the past months I have spent time in Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky and the Dominican Republic, all on top of, oh yes, getting married here in DC. It was great fun, but I am glad to be home with my new husband, who will be starting his last year of grad school on Monday.
This week, I plan on finishing the setting up of my classroom and going door to door trying to recruit a few more students. One of my coworkers suggested I wear jeans so that I am not mistaken for a Jehovah's witness. As you can tell, these people are already concerned for my welfare.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are you talking about *me*? LOL! You know, I am living vicariously through you. :)