Sunday, June 7, 2009

Here I go again...

When I began writing this blog around this time last year, I thought I had come up with such an ingenious title. After all, it was the end of my first full year of teaching, which made me a new teacher all by itself, but then I found out that my school would be going from Catholic to charter, and I felt like the newness came from beginning again, in the same building but with a new principal, new coworkers, and, most importantly, new students. I am beginning to think that my title is not as clever as I once thought. Here I am, at the end of my second full year of teaching, and what do you know? My school is closing. It seems like I am doomed to live the life of a new teacher forever.

I am fortunate in that I was only technically jobless for a few weeks. In the fall, I will be moving to the Petworth campus of Center City Public Charter Schools, still teaching the fifth grade. But once again, the principal, coworkers and students will be new. To top it off, our current art teacher also teaches at Petworth, and she decided to say, "I feel bad for whoever is teaching fifth grade next year, " even though she knew that it was me. I realize now that I should've come back with, "Well, I feel jealous of whoever gets to be a student in fifth grade next year." In any case, I begin again, and, at the very least, I can keep the title of my blog.

1 comment:

Libby said...

Oh I TOTALLY feel jealous of next year's fifth graders :D