I've been unemployed for almost a month now, and I'm starting to get the hang of it. Today I woke up, then laid in be for awhile, enjoying the vague feeling of dizziness that comes from being almost-but-not-quite-all-the-way awake. I got up after awhile and got my book from the other room, then stayed in bed reading until a finished it. After that, I went downstairs, made some tea and found a granola bar, and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast.
I have decided that Mondays are house days, so I did many dishes, swept and picked up the clutter from the first floor and moved it to the second. By then, I was in need of some fresh air, so following a shower, I grabbed the camera and headed out of the house. For the past few weeks, there has been a traffic cone perched on the median a few blocks down that someone has painted to look like a piece of candy corn. For some reason, this brings me great joy. I took a picture of it today, and I was enjoying the fresh air and the feel of the camera so much that I took many more pictures.
My days have taken on a sort of Give-a-Mouse-a-Cookie feel. What I mean is, I start out doing one thing, which leads me to another, and before I know it, the day is nearly gone. It is a strange thing to experience for a teacher, who is used to planning out days and weeks in advance, with no free minutes in the schedule for potential down time. My past few classes of students have been the sort where any break in the action means it is time for absurdities, ranging from throwing things to thinking of the meanest possible thing to say at that moment. So this one-thing-leading-to-another schedule of late is a definite change of pace, but I like it.
All this is to say that I got back to the house and decided to upload my photos onto the computer. As I did that, I realized that we have pictures on the camera dating back to when we first bought it, in June of 2008. So, I decided to put all our pictures on the computer, but of course I wanted to do it in an organized way. So I started making folders for the pictures, then realized that I had so many folders that it still wasn't organized. Seasonal classification seemed to be the best fit, so I made those folders, with subfolders labeled with names of events. I uploaded all the pictures into the appropriate folders, then deleted the ones I had uploaded from the actual camera. It was a cleansing feeling, akin to going through a box of old papers (which, by the way, should be my next task). After cleaning off the camera, I was very hungry, so I made some lunch (at about 3:00). Then it was back to the pictures.
So, by then, they were all on the computer, but each folder had tens or even hundreds of files, many of which were duplicates or too blurry or extreme close-ups (not sure about those). So, I began happily cleaning out another junk drawer, this time trying to narrow the files down to those that we might actually want to look at again someday.
I made it through the files from last summer, which took a long time mainly because they included the pictures from our honeymoon. People tend to take too many honeymoon pictures to begin with, and we had just gotten our fancy new camera, so it was pretty out of control. Once I made it through that, I wa
The hardest ones for me to delete were the ones of the twins. I imagine other parents (or semi-parents) share this problem. Looking at the photos of the girls from last summer filled me with some major wistfulness. I was reminded why Brianna has always been called the chubby one, but I also realized that really, that no longer fits. Brittany has finally almost caught up, and the two of them are really not babies any more. Last summer, when they were 1 1/2, you could still see the baby-ness, in the wrist-rolls, toothlessness, trails of drool, goofy-gummy expressions. Now they are almost three, and from Brittany's joyful proclamations of "I did it!"
There are still many files to go, but I think I'm done for today. I am going to visit a new school tomorrow, one that has the potential to allow my growth as a teacher without making
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